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© Nathalie Bertrams/GAGE

Palestine’s national cash transfer programme: An example of cash transfer programming in a humanitarian setting

20.10.21 | Palestine

Conflict-affected contexts | Economic empowerment | Gaza and the West Bank | cash transfers


Nicola Jones and Bassam Abu Hamad

There are some promising examples of how social protection, especially cash transfers, can mitigate the effects of crises. Yet the evidence base is still limited, particularly around the role of social protection in rapid-onset crisis versus protracted conflict environments (Ulrichs and Sabates-Wheeler 2018). This case study therefore provides evidence about the impact of social assistance in Palestine, drawing on three rounds of empirical research conducted by the Overseas Development Institute.

Suggested citation

Jones, N. and Abu Hamad, B. (2021) ‘Case study K: Palestine’s national cash transfer programme: An example of cash transfer programming in a humanitarian setting.’ In E. Schüring and M. Loewe (eds.), Handbook of Social Protection Systems. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar (https://doi.org/10.4337/9781839109119)

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