በራሪ ወረቀቱን ለእርስዎ ለመላክ እና ስንት ሰዎች ኢሜሎቻችንን ሲከፍቱ ለማየት የኢሜል አድራሻዎን ብቻ እንጠቀማለን ፡፡ ሙሉ የግላዊነት ፖሊሲ እዚህ ሊታይ ይችላል ። ሐሳብዎን በማንኛውም ጊዜ መለወጥ እና ምርጫዎችዎን ማዘመን ወይም ከደንበኝነት ምዝገባ መውጣት ይችላሉ ፡፡

The Sexual Violence Research Initiative (SVRI) Forum, Cape Town, South Africa

21 Oct - 25 Oct
00:38-00:38 (GMT)

The Sexual Violence Research Initiative (SVRI) Forum from 21-25 October in Cape Town, South Africa where GAGE colleagues joined over 1,500 researchers, implementers, donors and activists working to prevent and respond to violence against women and girls. GAGE held two panel presentation at the Forum: Dr Khadija Mitu presented on the unique contribution of GAGE’s mixed methods longitudinal evidence to explore the experiences of sexual violence faced by adolescents and young people, shedding light on the complexities and realities they face and Silvia Guglielmi shared key insights from GAGE evidence on what works to prevent and respond to violence against adolescent girls in humanitarian settings, drawing on work in Bangladesh, Ethiopia, and Jordan. Her presentation brought forward findings from studies like the Cox’s Bazar GBV Study, Ethiopia Act with Her study, and Jordan Makani study, which collectively help inform stronger, evidence-based interventions for adolescent girls affected by violence. GAGE also hosted an exhibition booth for the duration of the conference, where GAGE work on bodily integrity and freedom from violence was disseminated.