በራሪ ወረቀቱን ለእርስዎ ለመላክ እና ስንት ሰዎች ኢሜሎቻችንን ሲከፍቱ ለማየት የኢሜል አድራሻዎን ብቻ እንጠቀማለን ፡፡ ሙሉ የግላዊነት ፖሊሲ እዚህ ሊታይ ይችላል ። ሐሳብዎን በማንኛውም ጊዜ መለወጥ እና ምርጫዎችዎን ማዘመን ወይም ከደንበኝነት ምዝገባ መውጣት ይችላሉ ፡፡

ስርዓተ ፆታና ታዳጊነት፤ አለማቀፋዊ ማስረጃ

ጌጅ በታዳጊዎች ላይ የሚያተኩር ትልቅ አለማቀፋዊ ጥናት ሲሆን የታዳጊዎችን አቅምና እድገት ለማጎልበት የሚረዱ መንገዶችን ለመረዳት በታዳጊ ሀገራት የሚገኙ 20,000 (ሀያ ሺ) ሴትና ወንድ ታዳጊዎችን በጥናቱ ይከታተላል ፡፡

Image for webinar event

GAGE hosted a webinar to share and discuss findings from ‘Young People in the Global South: Voice, agency and citizenship’, a new textbook published by Routledge.


Watch the webinar here


An adolescent who had to dop out of school, Amhara, Ethiopia © Nathalie Bertrams/GAGE 2023

An adolescent who had to dop out of school, Amhara, Ethiopia © Nathalie Bertrams/GAGE 2023

March, 2024

Do layered adolescent-centric interventions improve girls’ capabilities? Evidence from a mixed-methods cluster randomised controlled trial in Ethiopia

This study analyses data from a cluster randomised controlled trial (RCT) to evaluate the short- and medium-term impacts of a set of layered adolescent-centric interventions designed to transform gender norms on the outcomes of approximately 2,300 girls.

Group of adolescents living in the streets, Dire Dawa, Ethiopa © Nathalie Bertrams/GAGE 2024

February, 2024

Armed conflict and adolescent social capital in Ethiopia

Despite the far-ranging direct effects of armed conflict on daily life, physical health, and economic outcomes, there is limited evidence on its impacts on social and political outcomes, and even less evidence on its impacts on adolescents, despite this being a pivotal life-stage.

14-year-old Jordanian, in school © Marcel Saleh/GAGE 2024

February, 2024

Adolescent social outcomes declined during COVID-19: evidence From Bangladesh, Jordan, And Ethiopia

This study explored changes in adolescent outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly among vulnerable adolescents, focusing on education, economic participation, early marriage, self-reported health, and food security.
Image for c-NBertrams_NB_2257-2

Here you can explore our latest insights and research as we shine a light on the needs of vulnerable adolescent refugees.

View all refugee posts

ጌጅ እንዴት ይሰራል

የታዳጊዎችን ስርዓተ ጾታዊ ልምድና የረጅም ጊዜ የተፅዕኖ ግምገማ ፕሮግራምን በመጠናዊና አይነታዊ የጥናት አይነቶች በጥምር በመስራት፣ ጌጅ የሴትና ወንድ ታዳጊዎችን በተለይም በሁለተኛው አስርት የእድሜ ክልል ዉስጥ ያሉ ታዳጊዎች ህይዎትን ሊያሻሽሉ የሚችሉ ስኬታማ የሆኑ ስትራቴጅዎች ምን እንደሆኑ ይፈትሻል፡፡